Garage Sale items may have scratches or other cosmetic damage.Team Z offers a Low Profile Seat Mount for aftermarket Kirkey style aluminum racing seats. Our seat mount brackets are made in house on our water jet from .190" thick aluminum and bent on our CNC brake. These brackets allow you to mount your seats much lower than most other standard style mount. With multiple mounting holes, our brackets offer great adjustment both for height and lay back. It makes mounting your aftermarket seat simple. Hardware not included.
These brackets mount to the side of most any aftermarket racing seats, fabrication is necessary. Can be used with our seat mount bases, or you can make your own frame mounts.
TEAM Z MOTORSPORTS INC. manufactured and/or distributed theenclosed components for use on vehicles designed and built by persons notassociated or controlled by KIRKEY RACING FABRICATION INC. No specific use isrecommended, intended or contemplated. Because some environments may subjectcomponents to severe stress, and because components are affected by many forcesbeyond the foreseeability and control of TEAM Z MOTORSPORTS INC., theseproducts are sold WITHOUT WARRANTY EXPRESSED OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESSFOR ANY PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ACCOMPANIES THESE PRODUCTSAND THE PURCHASER AND/OR USER, HAVING INSPECTED THESE COMPONENTS, MAKES THESOLE DETERMINATION OF THEIR SUITABILITY FOR USE IN AN APPLICATION OF HIS OR HEROWN DESIGN. By the installation of these components, the user or installerassumes all risks of damage, injury or death.